The simple answer is definitely yes. The interest for the Spanish language in the Hong Kong region has increased exponentially in the past 3 years.
Using the historical metrics from google trends we can see that while in 2015 and 2016 the keywords like 西班牙文課程which means Spanish course had an average search volume of 100-150 searches per month in Hong Kong, currently as of 2018 the same keyword has average monthly searches of 500 (see graph below).

If we do the same for other other keywords like 西班牙語課程we observe a very similar pattern of search queries being double in 2018 compared to 2015 or 2016 (see graph below).

Another example is the current number of language schools that teach Spanish in Hong Kong. While 15 years ago the only schools specialised in Spanish were Spanish World and the Spanish Cultural Association of HK, currently there are more than 10 Spanish language schools. Just to mention a few: Spanish Tutors Hong Kong, Viva Spanish, HK Spanish institute, Columbus Language School, The Spanish Academy, Modern Spanish etc.
So is this increase interest in the Spanish language in Hong Kong justified?
English and Chinese are the 2 most used languages in the world, the third on the list is Spanish. Therefore since nowadays mastering English and Chinese has become a must in Hong Kong and also in China, if you are considering to acquire a third language the most straight forward option by usability is learning Spanish.
Kids in Hong Kong are expected to be able to use perfectly both Chinese and English, so knowing these 2 languages well for many parents it is not enough, it is just what is it expected from a Hong Kong kid. If they want their kid to stand out in terms of languages the only choice is to learn an extra foreign language.
But is it useful to learn Spanish?
Knowing a widely used foreign language like Spanish will always represent an advantage in terms of finding a new job, travelling and exploring the world or even making friends. So don’t hesitate and start learning Spanish now! You can check our site for more info on the available spanish courses that we offer.